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The Passion Plan:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Discovering, Developing, and Living Your Passion

by Richard Chang
Published by Jossey-Bass Publishers
ISBN 0-7879-48213-6
Hardcover - 285 pages - $25.00

The Passion Litmus Test 
How to Discover Your Passion

If you have been suffering from passion deficit, it might take awhile to discern between passion and interest. Think about your potential passion as you ask yourself the following questions. Check the statements below that are true for you.

1. ____ I lose track of time when I'm engaged in this activity.
2. ____ I perform beyond my normal capabilities when I'm engaged in this activity.
3. ____ My energy level is higher when I'm engaged in this activity.
4. ____ I get excited when I think of this activity.
5. ____ I dream about this activity.
6. ____ My enthusiasm for this activity is consistent over time.
7. ____ I feel more confident or empowered when I'm engaged in this activity.
8. ____ Others notice me based on my involvement or performance in this activity.
9. ____ Others rally around me or want to be involved with me in this activity.
10. ____ I feel energized after engaging in this activity.

Give yourself one point for each statement you marked true. Then read on to learn where you stand.

0-2 This activity is not a passion.

3-5 This activity is an interest.

6-8 This activity is a potential passion and should be re-evaluated after further investigation.

9-10 This activity is definitely a passion. You should take further action to determine how to incorporate it into your life on a regular basis.

Reprinted with permission of Richard Chang. 
Visit the Passion Plan web site at

(c) 1999 Richard Chang, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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